Tag: Home Living

Posted on 03/24/2025
Solomon's Seal & Other Perfect Plants for Shaded Gardens
A shaded yard or garden space might seem like a challenge. However, there are many plants like Solomon's seal that prefer partial to full shade. If you're searching for plants to fill your shaded garden, here are some suggestions to consider: Solomon's Seal Solomon's seal plants have long, arching vines with rows of hanging flowers resembling tiny lanterns....
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Posted on 03/10/2025
Ideas for Dressing Up an Outdoor Party
Avid entertainers know the value of a good atmosphere when setting up for their gathering. But even they have difficulty when dressing up their outdoor space for a gathering or full-fledged party. Here are three quick and easy ways to dress your outdoor area for a successful get-together. Table Linens If you’re throwing a party in your outdoor...
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Posted on 03/25/2024
Dormancy & Blooming: Your Guide to Cyclamen Care
Cyclamen are popular for their bright fall and winter flowers. Often given as gifts during the holiday season, cyclamen flowers can last for several weeks indoors. However, once the blooms have wilted and the plant becomes dormant, many plant owners find it difficult to encourage them to bloom a second time. Luckily, there are steps you can take...
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Posted on 01/01/2024
Growing the Colorful & Pet-Safe Polka Dot Plant
If you want a pet-safe houseplant to add color to your indoor space, consider the polka dot plant. As the name suggests, the polka dot plant has delicately speckled leaves in high-contrast combinations of colors. You can find them in pink, red and white, and their compact growth habit makes them easy to plant several colors together in...
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Posted on 12/04/2023
Pentas Plant Care Guide
Pentas plants are a favorite among butterflies and other pollinators. Their clusters of tiny, star-shaped flowers come in multiple colors and can grow anywhere as an annual. As well as supporting pollinators, pentas are completely pet-safe, making them an excellent choice for any pet owner's garden. Here are some of the basic care tips for growing pentas in...
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Posted on 11/27/2023
4 Ways to Make a Healthier Home Office
If you're working from home, it's important to establish a suitable workspace. Many homeowners are now in charge of their own workspaces and all of the things that come with it: layout, furniture and other features. While it's important to be productive working at home, it's just as important to be healthy and comfortable at work. Here are...
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Posted on 04/10/2023
Try These Organization Tips for a Better Laundry Day
Laundry is a never-ending cycle, but there are ways to make it less of a hassle. A great way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your laundry day is to organize your laundry room. But where do you start? Here are some tips for ways to add order to the chaos of your laundry room. Drying Bars...
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Posted on 01/02/2023
5 Delicious Ways to Use Leftover Chili
Chili is a classic dish that’s easy to make in large quantities. Unfortunately, sometimes that turns into a large quantity of leftovers. Rather than eat the same chili every night for a week, try adding your leftover chili to other recipes to create new and exciting dishes. Here are some of the simplest and tastiest ways to use...
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Posted on 12/05/2022
How to Make Your Backyard Camping Trip Healthy & Safe
If you want to go on a camping trip without the hassle, camping in your own backyard is a fun and easy alternative. It’s an excellent way to experience the outdoors and indulge in fun camping activities without needing to travel. You also can sleep in your own bed and cook meals in your own kitchen if you...
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Posted on 11/21/2022
Home Gatherings: Quick Food Prep Tips for Your Next Gathering
Hosting can be a fun and exciting way to bring everyone together. However, there’s always a list of things to remember, including prep and what to do during the gathering. Here are a few of the best ways to prepare for your home gathering and keep you and yours happy and healthy while enjoying each other’s company. Food...
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Posted on 11/07/2022
How your home can help you beat work-from-home burnout
“Work from home burnout” refers to being in your home constantly and having a lack of location change affect your work-life balance and mental health negatively. Some have reported feeling tired or just losing their focus throughout the day the longer they work from home. In fact, remote workers may have to work a little more to make...
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Posted on 04/18/2022
Working From Home: Should You Refresh Your Home Office?
A good home office considers everything from lighting to air quality to layout, but even the best of the best home offices should be reimagined from time to time. So what happens when you switch up your office layout? The results may surprise you. Here are a few quick tips for redesigning your home office space. Rework Assessment...
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